Title: Director, Business Department, Richards, Layton & Finger, a Wilmington, Delaware-based law firm that provides legal services to its clients in Delaware, the U.S. and throughout the world. The firm provides counsel on sophisticated financial transactions involving Delaware corporations and alternative entities, as well as advice and guidance to local clients.
Education: St. Joseph’s University, B.S.; Temple University School of Law, J.D.
Ms. Damon’s law practice focuses primarily on formation and operational issues relating to Delaware statutory and common law trusts in all types of commercial and business transactions, representing issuers, underwriters, investors, and trustees. She also represents banks and trust companies in connection with their trust and agency services under Delaware and New York law in various commercial transactions. She is also experienced in capital securities and hybrid capital securities; mutual funds, exchange traded funds, and private equity funds; and collateralized loan obligations, cross-border leasing transactions, project finance transactions, and defeasance transactions. In addition, Ms. Damon represents health-care clients in all types of commercial and transactional matters, including the purchase and servicing of health-care receivables and the issuance of tax-exempt bonds.
Position with the Cameron Kravitt Foundation: Director
Other Outside Activities: Ms. Damon holds leadership positions in many organizations, including the American Bar Association, the Structured Finance Industry Group and the Delaware State Bar Association.