Resources For Parents

Children Die Too.  A pamphlet available from the Centering corporation, 1978.  1531 N. Saddle Creek Road, Omaha, NE  68104-5064.  (Call 402-553-1200 for free catalog.)

Talking About Death:  A Dialogue Between Parent and Child, ed. 3, by Earl Grossman, 1990.  Beacon Press, Boston.  Questions and answers about death based on a child’s developmental level.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S. Kushner, 1983, Avon, New York, NY.  Written by a rabbi whose son’s death from a prolonged illness prompted him to questions the philosophical meaning of death and suffering.

The Bereaved Parent by Harriet Stiff, 1977.  Viking Penguin, New York, NY.  Written by a mother whose 10 year old son died following heart surgery.