Title: Partner, Bailey Borlack Nadelhoffer, LLC, a multi-service, Chicago-based law firm with experienced lawyers advising and representing clients in a wide range of sophisticated and complex business, real estate, and litigation matters.
Education: University of Michigan, B.A. with High Distinction; Harvard Law School, J.D. cum laude.
Previous Experience: Mr. Borlack, a trial lawyer, previously worked at Mayer Brown & Platt in Chicago, where he began developing his expertise as a specialist in in complex commercial and business litigation, arbitration and appeals. He has handled virtually every kind of case in this field, many involving sophisticated issues and sizeable sums. He even represented at no charge the community surrounding Wrigley Field, mounting a successful defense against a lawsuit by the Chicago Cubs that sought to have declared unconstitutional the then-existing laws that banned lights at Wrigley Field. He has appeared before the Illinois Supreme Court, as well as other state and federal appellate courts.
Position with the Cameron Kravitt Foundation : Director
Other Outside Activities : Mr. Borlack is on the Board of Managers of the Chicago Bar Association. Previously, he served two years as the chair of the association’s Animal Law Committee, pursuing his personal passion for animal welfare. He is also a member of the Political Council of the Humane Society Legislative Fund, which is devoted to animal welfare issues. He is also incoming Chair of the Chicago Bar Association’s Civil Practice Committee. For many years, Mr. Borlack has been a frequent speaker on litigation topics to bar associations and other groups.