Title: Chairman of the Board of the Mary Wade Home, which provides quality health care services for seniors; founding director of the Connecticut Partnership for Patient Safety; founding director and former president of Temple Beth Tikvah in Madison, Connecticut; and Town Selectman in Madison, Connecticut.
Education: B.A.in psychology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.; M.B.A. in finance and the management of non-profit institutions from the University of Chicago’s graduate school of business.
Previous Experience: Mr. Goldberg spent more than 30 years as the vice-president and chief financial officer of the Connecticut Hospital Association; served as a member of the board of the Madison Visiting Nurse Association for 15 years; and has been a member of the board of the Madison Lakes Association for more than 20 years.
Position with the Cameron Kravitt Foundation: Executive Director
Other Outside Activities: Mr. Goldberg currently serves as the vice-chair of the Madison Land Conservation Trust.