Title: General counsel and chief compliance officer of Proprium Capital Partners, LLC, an employee-owned real estate fund manager with offices in the New York area, Atlanta, London, Hong Kong, and Mumbai, investments in 15 nations and more than $2 billion in assets under management. Ms. Citron is responsible for all legal and compliance matters relating to the company.
Education: Franklin & Marshall College, B.A.; Case Western Reserve University School of Law, J.D.
Previous Experience: Prior to joining Proprium, Ms. Citron was senior vice president and director of strategy for Ally Financial, Inc., and CMAC ResCap, a subsidiary of Ally Financial. She also served as executive vice president of regulatory affairs, general counsel and chief compliance officer of Carrington Capital Holdings, LLC; a partner with Mayer Brown LLP, overseeing its worldwide securitization practice, and Skadden Arps, Brown & Wood and Orrick.
Position with the Cameron Kravitt Foundation: Director