Title: Partner and Chief Financial Officer, Clearhaven Capital, providing fund level portfolio financing to private equity and other investment funds. Senior Advisor, Boston Portfolio Advisors, Inc., providing litigation support and expert witness services to leading international law firms and their clients. President, TLD Partners LLC, providing consulting services to the financial and infrastructure sectors worldwide.
Education: Columbia University, B.A.; Harvard University, M.A. in Eastern Asian Studies; the Wharton Graduate Division of the University of Pennsylvania, M.B.A.
Previous Experience: Before forming TLD Partners LLC, Mr. Reifsnyder was a Senior Managing Director at Bear Stearns Asset Management Inc. Previously, he held leadership positions at banks,securities firms, and insurance companies (including Deutsche Bank AG, MBIA Insurance Corporation, and Société Générale), creating and turning around strategic business units, pioneering new markets and financing transactions in the U.S. and in global markets, and developing highly successful client relationships. A frequent speaker on risk management, structured finance, and recent credit market developments at financial conferences, he also has served on the leadership team of industry associations and worked with government and regulatory bodies.
Position with the Cameron Kravitt Foundation: Director; member of the Executive Committee and the Finance & Investment Committee, and Chairman of the Benefit Committee for the Cameron Kravitt Foundation 2017 Benefit to be held on March 15, 2017.
Other Outside Activities: Mr. Reifsnyder has served on the Vestry (board of directors) of his church, as chairman of both its Nominating Committee and its Outreach Commission, and on committees responsible for capital campaigns, long range planning, and real estate development planning. Since leaving those offices behind, he still delights in singing in the choir. He is also currently a member of the board of directors and Treasurer of a condominium association.